October 31, 2008

virgin mary: surrogate

Your toxins tiptoe the hallow
Walkway of this placenta;
Spitting stagnant HIV in the
Swollen mouths of quarantined.

Mrs. maternity leave sucks
Down her candy cigarettes;
Mmm, smells like teenage suicide.
Drink up Mary, virginity
Is only a word.

Choking on the backward
Clouds; dangling from a noose
Threaded with heart strings
And aerated syringe hymns.

Spill you sickened amniotics
Across the Vegas sidewalk;
Your naked bastard is
What sin touches itself to.

Sifting subtle flesh shutters,
Innocence kissed the air
Before black tar filled
His fragile body, with the
Bane of purity slipping from
Two porcelain eyes.

The Devil loves to dance.

The dancing blue eyed baby
Jesus opens his palms wide
To catch that sultry kiss
From a passing whore.

The two dance in circles
Faster! Faster! Faster!

Waltzing crop circles into
Mommy’s spine, they dance
On the eighth octave of
Of a frantic mother’s scream!

Her tears trample muddy skies
Before taking pace along
The Mississippi gorge,
And pouring shattered
Hearts in the key hole
Of Pandora’s box.

This child is a shining star;
In the center of the 9th gate…
Run little one, we’ve
Got hell to raise.

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