"Typically, I’d be thrilled about writing a book review. But this one isn’t so easy. , said the shotgun to the head. might be one of the most beautiful things I’ve read in years. But if you asked me why, I don’t know that I could do the book justice.
It is the offspring of a man’s love affair with words-- written and spoken. It’s his tapestry, woven with nouns and verbs, and you wear it around your subconscious, page by page.
, said the shotgun to the head. is a 200-page poem, for lack of a better term, about love, God, Western disorientation, and spirituality. It invites itself into your head, makes itself at home, digging through every dark corner and closet, pulling out all the unanswered questions you’ve buried away. It doesn’t answer them. It merely reopens the discussion, forcing you to explore the world inside and around you.
But no matter what I tell you, it is an injustice to how good the book really is. It paints pictures in your head, like good music, or rare moments of clarity. It feels like a fairy tale. Search far and wide to read it for yourself."
exerpt read by Saul Williams
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